Ride Record Report
Regarding legal issues relating to storage/retention of submitted videos,
I propose the following:
- 1) At registration, the following is required:
- A) Email Address
- B) Password
- C) A question the user wants asked if they forget their password.
- D) The answer to the question in (C) above.
- E) Where they want the video stored:
- a) Brightcove
- b) DailyMotion
- c) Facebook
- d) Jumpshare
- e) ScreenPal
- f) Spotlightr
- g) SproutVideo
- h) Stramable
- i) Uscreen
- j) Veed.io
- k) Vidyard
- l) Vimeo
- m) Wistia
- n) YouTube
- o) Some other storage medium.
- p) RideRecordReport. I'll talk about this below, see: (1-A-E-p).
- 2) When they register, all information is encrypted, with the exception of
their email address.
- 3) The user will be required to resubmit their password (encryption comparison),
at some frequency, similar to 'signal' requiring PIN confirmation.
- 4) If they forget their password:
- A) Ask them the question they submited in (1C) above.
- B) Verify their answer they submited in (1D) above.
(case-sensitive compare is an option).
The data stored on RideRecordReport would be:
Email address: clear text.
Password: encrypted AES-256 {user has the key}.
Question: encrypted AES-256 {server has the key}.
Answer: encrypted AES-256 {server has the key}.
VideoStorage: encrypted AES-256 {user has the key}.
options 1-E-[a-p] above.
If a subpoena were given, the only thing RideRecordReport could provide is
the registrants email address, their question and answer. If video storage
selection is RideRecordReport, see: (1-A-E-d) below.
(1-A-E-p) RideRecordReport:
- This option is not finalized due solely to work in progress.
Can a subpoena request all stored video? This would be a pretty broad search.
If the Server and the subitter has access to the video, and unable to
determine who submitted a video on question, what are the legal
requirements of RideRecordReport?
- Another option would be to email the video to the the users email address, assuming their mailbox could handle what could be a large file.
I did some timing/size testing using AES-256 encryption on a small 111K video file,
which took less then a second: video is 111K, encrypted video is 111K, and implies
there is almost no cost in CPU cycles and storage to encrypt the video. If the video
were encrypted, and only the user knows the key, would this provide legal protection?
If RideRecordReport needed the video, reach out to the user who submitted it and ask.
Thank you for your interest in RideRecordReport.